Unable to uninstall package

New Contributor II

I have a package (dmg) I want to uninstall on a few computers. I have
indexed the package but the option to uninstall still dose not show up. I
have tried reindexing and saving the file but have not had any luck.

Rich Dagel
Senior Technology Specialist

Landor Associates
1001 Front Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States
415 365 3933
Rich.Dagel at landor.com


Not applicable

Could this be a matter of checking 'Allow this package to uninstalled....'
in Casper Admin under Options tab?

Contributor II

Thank you. This was my issue.

Go to Casper Admin > select the policy > Options tab > check the box to "Allow this package to be uninstalled by Casper or a Policy" > Save

Go to Management > Policies > Create Policy > Select package and change the option to "uninstall".