Use JAMF to release devices from ABM

New Contributor II


Inside ABM / ASM theres a tickbox called "Allow this MDM Server to release devices."

With the setting turned on where / how does one trigger this release via jamf?

note: not trying to do mass releases, am aware dumping csv contents into ABM/ASM search works really well for that :) 



New Contributor II

After you've searched for the devices, select the total number of devices at the top of the list, then click . Carefully read the dialog, check the box “I understand that this cannot be undone,” then click Release. A new activity releases the devices.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Only way I've found is through the new API endpoint: /v1/device-enrollments/{id}/disown

Valued Contributor


Now back to my sold devices workflow.. 

New Contributor II

sounds like we are working on something very similar :D
Im wanting our helpdesk to be able to "decomission" a machine with as little clicks and systems as possible.

ta @jphillips i was hopeing it was something jamf has built into the GUI but i guess its pretty drastic if it accidentally got pushed so fair enough they leave it at API only (to some degree)

Valued Contributor

@ben_mcneil  Indeed it does!

Well, we’ll just have to build it for Jamf :D

My previous workflow was;

  • Self Service policy to erase / wipe 
  • Delete Jamf record (changed to update Jamf record asset tag: Sold Laptops)

Before updating the asset tag, I had tried to unselect that device from our Pre Stage but ran into a bug from what I read. 

This way it will effectively do what I originally planned;

  • leave the record as unmanaged
  • de-select from pre stage via releasing from Apple School Manager

As intel models cannot be reassigned to the org I would have this scoped to only the required people to trigger.

Happy days.. in theory