VPP Apps not listed under Assignments


We bought a managed VPP app some months ago in preparation for this latest update and that app shows up in the list under VPP Assignments, but we just purchased another app today which is show finalized on the VPP site but does not appear in the list of apps I can assign. Do I have to download the token from the VPP site each time we buy an app and upload it to the JSS, or will it update eventually with the recently purchased app?


New Contributor III

I'm also missing past Apps that were purchased as Managed Licenses in my VPP Assignments or under "Total Purchased" in my VPP Account entry in the Users tab.

New Contributor

I had to restart the server and then the apps magically appeared under VPP Assignments.


@jeremyschoonover][/url I will try restarting it once it's safe to and will report back. I hope that doesn't become the normal way to get them to show up.

Server just came back up, still not seeing the latest app we purchased even though it shows a completed transaction in our VPP account page.

New Contributor

Hi Guys,

Im just waiting to hear back from the guys at casper as i work at a highschool, i too am having trouble with VPP Apps listing/showing up in our casper server under VPP assignment account i created. I can see that in our vpp account section that the free apps (using for testing atm) i have purchased, come through fine on our server but when i need to select the purchased app in the assignment nothing displays even though all ports on our firewall are open. You guys got any ideas what could be causing this?

Iv tried absolutely everything and even looking at the of files but aren't giving me a whole lot of information. Thought id post something to see what i could try if not hopefully one of the guys will give me a call tomorrow.




I think our JSS is working now, but I won't have any apps to buy until start of the next year. What I ended up doing was increases the amount of memory on the server and also stopped collecting plugin information through inventory. I'm not sure if these are applicable to you, but once I did that everything for the VPP started to run a lot more smoothly.

New Contributor III

Our issue happened to be a content filtering/firewall issue. We use a Sonicwall product to filter out categories of access and portions of Apple's services were recategorized, leading to VPP communications being blocked. Sonicwall had not previously lumped iPad-related traffic into shopping or updated categories, but had done so in a recent firmware update. Adjusting our blocking rules has fixed the issue for us.

New Contributor

Hi Guys,

I ended up solving this with John and Adam at casper support what our issue was that as we are a highschool we use a proxy server hosted offsite(that we don't manage) and we needed to do the following on our 2012 casper server which the guys sent through to me in an email.

The workaround which we have applied is to tell Apache Tomcat to use proxy settings instead of JAVA. Some processes in the JSS use the Apache Tomcat Proxy settings and some other ones use the JAVA Settings. It looks like the initial connection to VPP uses the standard JAVA Proxy settings but anything after that like App Assignment lists use the tomcat proxy settings.What we did was:


1.C:program filesJSSTomcatin omcat7w.exe

2.Java tab

3 Under Java Options (copy the contents below and add in your details)

-Dhttp.proxyHost=PROXY IP

-Dhttp.proxyPort=PROXY PORT #

-Dhttps.proxyHost=PROXY IP

-Dhttps.proxyPort=PROXY PORT #

-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|| PRIMARY DNS IP

This forces Tomcat to use the proxy settings as well as Java.

I hope that helps, if any of you guys have a similar issue as we did. This is a unique thing we did, that most sites don't have to do, the guys at casper said. We needed to do this which ended up working for us and i am testing apps atm that we purchased through VPP and now deploying to 2 test laptops.


Contributor II

In case you still don't see your App(s) listed, chances are you might need to reach out to Apple. We have about 260 seats for GoodReader 3, which is now called "GoodReader for iPad". If you try to look for it in the AppStore you won't find it. You will get an error that "The item you've requested is not currently available in the U.S. store." Here's the link as an example: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB8QFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fgoodreader-for-ipad%2Fid363448914%3Fmt%3D8&ei=Vc3sU6_MJNj-yQTProLACA&usg=AFQjCNECZiKQxFg47aGt3zTyIhaTnYKerg&bvm=bv.72938740,d.aWw

Looks like I have to reach out to Apple to have them fix this. Once they move the App back into the US store, then I should be able to see it on my list for distribution. Don't know how long this process will take, but I will update the as I get more information.
I hope that this info is helpful as I got tired of beating my head to make this work.


We are also missing recent apps in our JSS. After purchasing apps from the volume purchase program for education, they are not showing up in the JSS. This was working without flaw last week. For the past few days, no recently purchased apps are showing up.

It is not a proxy
its not a firewall
we do not need to increases the amount of memory on the server did restart the JSS and still no apps

any other thoughts as to why our apps are not showing up in the JSS?

Valued Contributor II