Yet Another Guest Account Question

New Contributor III

Ok, so I may be confused but please let me know if you are seeing the same thing or how you are disabling the guest account?

- I am using a Login Window Config Profile with "Allow guest user" NOT checked
- I am using a Managed Preference to Disable Guest Account

However, on my MB Pro, 10.8.4 w/ FV2 turned ON, in Users & Groups System Prefs it still shows Guest User as Enabled and Managed. I can't Uncheck the box to "Allow guests to log in to this computer".

Any ideas? Thanks!



I use a script as part of my imaging process (FirstRun).

# Show username / password fields
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWFULLNAME -bool true
# Disallow guest network fileshare access
defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ AllowGuestAccess -bool NO
# Disallow guest network fileshare access
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ guestAccess -bool NO
# Stop messages about accounts available on other disks
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ EnableExternalAccounts -bool false
# Enable computer info toggle by clicking on the time on login window
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminHostInfo HostName
# Remove Fast User Switching option
defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences MultipleSessionEnabled -bool NO
# Set time that login window warns about password expiry
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ PasswordExpirationDays 15

The 2 lines mentioning guest access, disables guest access at the login window.

Hope this helps,


New Contributor III

Thanks Andrew, so to confirm your Guest User in the Users & GRoups shows as Disabled, Managed?


Yes, just checked actually to confirm!

"Guest User


Valued Contributor

hi twrangham- you wouldn't happen to have find my mac enabled on that mac would you? the combination of FV2 and find my mac forces the guest user 'honeypot' functionality which enables the guest login check box regardless of your MCX.

New Contributor II

I'm seeing this, too. The Guest User should be completely disabled but still appears in FileVault. It also appears in the Users & Groups control panel as "Enabled, Managed" and is not editable by the admin user.

  • Only one local account, an admin
  • No directory services
  • Enrolled in Casper; managed prefs set to disable Guest User
  • No AppleIDs, no iCloud.