Zoom Plugin to Zoom Add in Migration

New Contributor

Is there a scripted method to migrate the Zoom Plug-in to the Zoom Add in? Whats the best migration path for this, if not?



Are you using volume licensing or o365 licensing?

New Contributor

Currently O365

Contributor II

@Sliguez Given that the Add-in is linked to users O365 account, you don't have to deploy anything to the computer. As long as the device is activated as Office 365 and you are not still using 2019 Volume licensing, your users will see the new Add-in once you make it available. Our Exchange admin had already made the Add-in available to O365 subscription users via an active directory group. Follow the link below on how to do that or pass to your O365/Exchange admin. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115005223126-Zoom-for-Outlook-add-in-web-and-desktop-

My biggest challenge was converting computers from 2019 to O365. I had to do this with a self service policy that has a Files and Processes payload with Execute Command:
rm -rf "/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.office.licensingV2.plist"

Once this is run the 2019 volume license is removed and when Outlook is opened the user will need to Activate and sign into their O365 account. I had to write a user guide and send out comms for this. I could not just remove the license as users would not know to Activate Office and would raise tickets saying their email was not working.

As for removing the old Plug-in, that can be silently removed using policy with a Files and Processes payload with Execute Command: