Deploying iOS App to Apple Silicon

New Contributor III


I'm trying to install an iOS App on an M1 Mac via Self Service. I followed this guide:

Which works up (as in I can see it on Self service) until the point where I am asked for App Store credentials in order to install the app. I don't want to have users signing in to download & install the app. Any ideas?

On Managed Distribution I get a message saying "Content not available to assign to computers"

It's a free app.


Thank you,



Esteemed Contributor II

@georgbhm Even though it's a free app you'll have to request licenses for it in Apple School Manager:

Once you do that you'll find the app available for assignment to computers.

New Contributor III

Thanks. I did that, but still the same issue. The requested licences also show up under Settings > Global > VPP but can't assign them.

Esteemed Contributor II

@georgbhm So much for my theory it was a case of licenses not being available. I'm going to have to defer to someone familiar with deploying apps via Jamf School for further suggestions because while I know the process in Jamf Pro I don't know the details for that product.