Office365 pkg no longer installing through Depnotify

New Contributor III

SOLVED: - PEBCAK issue...


Hi there,

Since a week ago, Office365 no longer installs using DepNotify.  This used to work fine.

The process of installing Office365 takes a few minutes and DepNotify continues, however when checking my apps, Office365 did not install.

When installing the same pkg manually, it works fine, so it seems to be only doing this behavior when downloading it using sudo jamf policy -event


In Jamf it says pending after DepNotify, but won't trigger again as it's only part of DepNotify.


The only thing I can think of is the fact that I already re-installed this device over 80 times. Does Jamf have any kind of throttling or data limit?


Are there any logs I can check?




Not applicable

Hi Tobias O, you are writing, that you use depnotify to install the office package, so you have an own policy to install the office package. As far, as I know, the only way to view the log, is at the policy itself. In the Jamf dashboard, you can choose the policy and its properties. In the bottom right area, you should find "Log" and there, you will be able to see, what happened.

At /Library/Logs/Microsoft, you should find some logs, too


View solution in original post


Not applicable

Hi Tobias O, you are writing, that you use depnotify to install the office package, so you have an own policy to install the office package. As far, as I know, the only way to view the log, is at the policy itself. In the Jamf dashboard, you can choose the policy and its properties. In the bottom right area, you should find "Log" and there, you will be able to see, what happened.

At /Library/Logs/Microsoft, you should find some logs, too


New Contributor III

Hey Novellus,

I managed to solve the problem. I was stupid enough to forget to unassign a test script that does a killall jamf && Sudo jamf policy :')


Thanks for the log feedback!