10.6 and reboot not working

Not applicable

I have this odd problem with my 10.6 machines: When any account (admin or otherwise) selects the Restart option from the apple menu, the machine goes straight back to the login window without restarting. If I select "restart" from the login window, it will restart. Every single time, though, from the Finder, that is the behavior. To troubleshoot, I took the newest iMac I have (late 2009) and installed 10.6.1 (from original system disc). I created a couple of accounts and monitored the restarts. Everything was fine. I installed one Apple Software Update at a time, doing numerous reboots in between. Each time, the expected behavior was correct-choosing "restart" from Finder menu = machine reboot. Now I'm up to 10.6.4 and all the latest updates. (No 3rd party software, no iLife, no OD or AD binding). Next, I recon'd the machine and gave it it's old name (this machine is a lab machine and is in a smart group already, with policies and managed settings) I'm using Casper 7.21.

Sure enough, right then and there, Restart is broken. My thinking is, maybe one of my managed preferences is conflicting with something OS X 10.6. is controlling in a different way than 10.5? (I haven't changed any settings since my 10.5 image).

I'm going to back up and apply one setting at a time, but in the meantime, if anyone has any ideas that might help me solve this sooner than later, I'd appreciate it!

Thanks again!

User Support Analyst - Hurd Campus
Center for Information Technology - CIT
Moravian College
ph. 610 861 1633