8.3 JAMF binary errors

Valued Contributor

Getting this error in Console at start up and when running 'sudo jamf manage' on all 8.3 machines:

jamf[1161:707] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'Identity Exception', reason: 'Unable to find a JAMF Device Identity in the JAMF Keychain.'

Clients are not checking in with the JSS or processing self service requests.

Anyone else seeing this with 8.3 or am I uniquely blessed? :)

Nick Kalister
Desktop Engineering
Hitachi Data Systems
Office: 408.970.4316

750 Central Expressway
Building 32 : M/S 3240
Santa Clara, CA 95050


Honored Contributor

Try running recon or any command that checks into the JSS. Sounds like maybe your casper ssh account password doesn't match the one stored in the JSS?

First thought with out knowing all the details.


Valued Contributor

Working on it with support now- we removed the jamf.keychain and regenerated it, and the problem went away. We're conning to investigate, I'll post later if we figure out the root cause.
Nick Kalister
Desktop Engineering
Hitachi Data Systems
Office: 408.970.4316

750 Central Expressway
Building 32 : M/S 3240
Santa Clara, CA 95050

New Contributor

How do you remove the JAMF Keychain?

Valued Contributor

rm command from terminal was what support had me do.

Valued Contributor

oh, and support never did give me a root cause for this, and I have never had it re-occur.

New Contributor II

How did you regenerate the JAMF.keychain?