AD Certificate Auto Renewal Workflow

Contributor II

I've been tasked with setting up AD Certificates for Macs and after working a bit on it I now have it working where the computer gets a config profile installed that then requests from AD a certificate. Everything is working fine, but now I am at the point where I am not sure what needs to be done when the certificate expires 1-year from now. I need some type of workflow for renewing these as it will be impossible to keep track of all the expiration dates.

After doing some searching on JN, there are some posts a few years old where users recommend scripting this, but there was no one that could get it working.

There is also a feature request to have the JSS auto renew, but that is from 2013 and I don't think that will happen.

If anyone is out there who has put together a workflow for getting this to work I would love to hear about it.



Hi Team i need help reg the certificate i am deploying the SCEP certificate and the certificate is stored on keychain as on user first and last name and how do i filter as expired and going to expire in 30 days ? do we have any scriot ? kindly help me on that