After Imaging MacBook Pro Retina or MacBook Air getting "Unapproved caller. Security Agent may only be invoked by Apple Software." error

Valued Contributor III

After Imaging MacBook Pro Retina or MacBook Air getting "Unapproved caller. Security Agent may only be invoked by Apple Software." error.

This image seemed to work fine when I installed it on about 4 labs earlier this year, but they were all iMacs and older MacBook Pros. When installing this (10.9.4 or 10.9.5) base image onto any MacBook Pro retina or MacBook Air's I get the above error.

Tried some of the suggestions with removing and recreating the /var/folders but did not solve the issue so far.

Anyone else have a suggestion?

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor II

What version of the JSS are you running?

Do you by chance have any policies which may scope to the newly-imaged machines and run Apple's software update on them, or apply OS and/or security updates??

A restart doesn't fix the issue? Neither does clearing out /var/folders and restarting? How about a Safe Boot?


New Contributor III

I saw the same thing this week on a few machines that were running software update policies to update from 10.9.5. It had nothing to do with imaging though, I'm thinking that part is unrelated and it has more to do with the software update policies.

Were your machines bound to AD or OD?

From what I experienced, restarting the machines or forcing them down and restarting and they were updated and working correctly.

I realize this is no answer, but at least provides some use case.

Contributor III

i saw this while applying the OS X 10.9.5 Combined Update via Apple Remote Desktop, and logging out of the interactive session. It didn't like that too much, probably shuffling stuff around while logging out. The update obviously needed to restart anyway, but haven't noticed any ill-effects.

New Contributor

I had this error a while back. I followed this

I believe it fixed the issue for me

Valued Contributor III

Using JSS 9.51 and yes machines are bound with AD but its only when even using a base 10.9.5 image. I'm now wondering though since I took an image of the machine after upgrading it from 10.9.4 with the combo updater to 10.9.5, if thats the culprit. I'll try again with a clean install of just 10.9.5.

Ive tried restarting and removing the var/folders files and rebooting. Neither works. Weird issue since the machine I build the base image from is the machine I've also put the image back onto that gets the errors. Safe boot not helping either.

Thanks Sharnail, tried that as well but still not working.
Ill try doing the straight install of 10.9.5

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor II

Use AutoDMG to build a never-booted up-to-date 10.9.5 DMG (complete with Recovery Partition) from the Install OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 app.

Then you don't need to muck around with Composer, Disk Utility, and scripts to hide the recovery partition (or mess with the Partitions tab in a Configuration).