Allowing Users to Enable/Disable Automatic Proxy Configuration Without Admin Credentials

New Contributor III

We have a requirement where users need to enable/disable the Automatic Proxy Configuration without requiring admin credentials. From the developer documentation, I found the "object NetworkProxyConfiguration.Proxies," but I am unable to modify it via a script. Could you please guide me on any alternative methods, such as using a configuration profile, to achieve this?




Contributor II

Hi @tahir 
You can create a script enable Automatic Proxy Configuration :

sudo networksetup -setautoproxystate "Wi-Fi" on

After that, create Policies containing the script + trigger + scope you want, to check you can open the log whether the status is pending or has been completed

New Contributor III

Hi @agungsujiwo ,
This will only turn the automatic proxy configuration, actual as per our requirement. We want to allow standard user to turn on/off based on requirement and can add .pac file and save upon which it will not ask for admin credentials.

You can add that feature in self-service, create 2 new menus,
a menu for enable, and another menu for disable,
when selects/clicks menu in self-service, no admin password is required

New Contributor III

Thanks for the reply @agungsujiwo 
Let me check this