Apple TV Home Screen = blank?

Valued Contributor II

Im starting to enroll ~50 Apple TVs into DEP and Jamf Pro 10.7.1. I have 1 test ATV managed in Jamf Pro now (Gen 4) running 11.4.1 - took it right out of the box and enrolled it (I assumed it would have tvOS 12 installed but apparently it doesn't not)

I have discovered 1 issue: The Home Screen is black/blank.I dont see any apps or the Home Screen UI tile interface.

AirPlay works, Conference Room Mode works. Ariel screensaver starts and can be dismissed with the Apple remote. But that's it.

I need to be able to have my users launch a couple stock Apple apps from the Home Screen.

Since I can't see any apps, I can't launch the Settings app and therefore I can't make adjustments to system settings (i.e. settings that are not available in Jamf MDM such as screensaver/sleep time, install tvOS updates, etc).

I assume that I have accidentally applied a restriction somewhere, but I can't find it. I have slowly stripped-away most MDM setting payloads to see if I could find a self-inflicted restriction by process of elimination, but I still can't find it.