Autodesk Removal Script

New Contributor II

Autodesk sadly doesn't have a removal script for macOS.  So I made one using their collection of random documentation.  It removes all Autodesk apps, the system files and user files.

One piece missing is FlexNet, since this is used by other Applications and should be kept.



# Autodesk Cleanup Script

currentUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )

# Removes Autodesk Applications
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Autodesk/

# Removes Autodesk User Library Files
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Application Support/AdSSO-v2
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Application Support/Autodesk
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Application Support/Autodesk Installer
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Logs/Autodesk
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Logs/Autodesk Installer
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Adlm
sudo rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Autodesk

# Removes all com.autodesk files from user's logs and preferences
find /Users/$currentUser/Library/Logs -name 'com.autodesk*' -print -exec rm -r {} \;
find /Users/$currentUser/Library/Preferences -name 'com.autodesk*' -print -exec rm -r {} \;

# Finds and removes plists
sudo find /Library/LaunchDaemons -name 'com.autodesk.adskaccessservicehost.plist' -print -exec rm -r {} \;
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.AdskLicensingService.plist

# Removes system level Autodesk files
sudo rm -rf /library/Application\ Support/Autodesk
sudo rm -rf /Library/Logs/Autodesk
sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Adlm.framework

# Kills AutoDesk Licensing Service
sudo killall AdskLicensingService

# Cleans old installation records
sudo pkgutil --forget com.autodesk.AdskLicensing
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.AdskLicensingService.plist



Contributor III

Thanks for this! I have been working on a "Remove/Install/Update" script and I didn't have anything for the Remove portion yet. This will help me flesh out the full script.

Contributor III

I ran this for the first time just now and realized that you are missing some escape characters in the second section.


    # Removes Autodesk User Library Files
    rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Application\ Support/AdSSO-v2
    rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk
    rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk Installer
    rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Logs/Autodesk
    rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Logs/Autodesk\ Installer
    rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Adlm
    sudo rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Autodesk

Additionally, the new syntax for unloading a LaunchDaemon should be:

launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.AdskLicensingService.plist

And I don't believe the "sudo" commands are necessary, but they shouldn't hurt anything, either.


Contributor III

AutoDesk is Constantly Changing their Process

After three days of digging, testing, and troubleshooting, I think I have developed a new script to uninstall most AutoDesk applications. This new script has been tested and proven to remove AutoCAD for Mac, Flame, Maya, and Mudbox.

Equal credits go to:

  •  @cmccormack
  • the "" script hidden inside of the Flame 2025 installer
  • FSMonitor 2



# AutoDesk Suite - Clean and Thorough Uninstall.
# Written by KClose
#   Last Update 2024.07.24


# Set Variable(s)
echo "Removing all installed AutoDesk products."
currentUser=$( echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ { print $3 }' )

# Kill AutoDesk Licensing Service
echo "Killing licensing service."
sudo killall AdskLicensingService

# Bootout and remove LaunchDaemons
echo "Unloading and removing LaunchDaemons."
sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.adskaccessservicehost.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.adskaccessservicehost.plist
sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.AdskLicensingService.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.AdskLicensingService.plist

# Remove Autodesk Applications
echo "Removing applicaions."
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Autodesk/

# Remove Autodesk User Library Files
echo "Removing user library files."
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Application\ Support/AdSSO-v2
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk Installer
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Logs/Autodesk
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Logs/Autodesk\ Installer
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/com.autodesk.*
rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Adlm
sudo rm -rf /Users/$currentUser/Autodesk

# Remove all com.autodesk files from user's logs and preferences
echo "Removing logs and preferences."
find /Users/$currentUser/Library/Logs -name 'com.autodesk*' -print -exec rm -r {} \;
find /Users/$currentUser/Library/Preferences -name 'com.autodesk*' -print -exec rm -r {} \;

# Remove system level Autodesk files
echo "Removing system level files."
sudo rm -rf /library/Application\ Support/Autodesk
sudo rm -rf /Library/Logs/Autodesk
sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Adlm.framework
sudo rm -rf /private/var/db/receipts/com.autodesk.*

# Clean out old installation records
echo "Cleaning installation records."
sudo pkgutil --forget com.autodesk.AdskLicensing

# Remove ODIS TMP Files
echo "Cleaning ODIS temp files"
if [[ $(/usr/bin/uname) == "Darwin" ]] ; then
	/bin/rm -rf "$HOME"/Library/Logs/Autodesk/ODIS/*
	if [ -n  "$TMPDIR" ]; then
		/bin/rm -rf "$TMPDIR"/download_dest/*
		/bin/rm -rf "$TMPDIR"/autodesk_*.lock
	/bin/rm -rf "$HOME"/.autodesk/ODIS/*
	if [ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]; then
		USER_HOME=$(/usr/bin/getent passwd $SUDO_USER | /bin/cut -d: -f6)
		if [ -n "$USER_HOME" ] ; then
			/bin/rm -rf "$USER_HOME"/.autodesk/ODIS/*

/bin/rm -rf /tmp/AdODIS-install.log
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/AdODIS-uninstall.log
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/AdODISInstaller.r*n.lock
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/bitrock_installer*.log
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/tmp_adsk_*
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/download_dest
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/odis_download_dest
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/adsk_*.socket
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/autodesk_*.lock
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/Autodesk*
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/AdAppMgrRollBackBackup
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/installbuilder_installer*.log

# Remove ODIS Files
echo "Cleaning ODIS files"

if [[ $(/usr/bin/uname) == "Darwin" ]] ; then
	/bin/rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk/ODIS/*
	/bin/rm -rf /var/lib/Autodesk/*
	/bin/rm -rf /usr/local/Autodesk/AdODIS/* 

# Remove APP Files
echo "Cleaning CF Application files"
metad="/opt/Autodesk/Common Utilities/Service"
if [ -e "$metad" ]; then
	"$metad" dlmpd stop
	"$metad" bb_manager stop
	"$metad" bb_server stop
	"$metad" wiretapgateway stop
	"$metad" stonewire stop

/usr/sbin/pkgutil --pkgs | /usr/bin/grep "com\.autodesk\..*\.x86_64.pkg" | /usr/bin/grep -v configuration | /usr/bin/xargs -n1 /usr/sbin/pkgutil --forget

/bin/rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.sw_*
/bin/rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.dl_*
/bin/rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.backburner*
/bin/rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.wiretapgateway*
/bin/rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.checkOS*

# Remove Remaining Files
echo "Cleaning All /opt/Autodesk files"
/bin/rm -rf /opt/Autodesk/*

echo "Cleaning done!"