BootCamp Questions

New Contributor

It seems that i can use Casper Imaging to deploy an image if i create one. Has anyone done this yet? Any problems etc. Also does the recon.exe go on the Bootcamp image somewhere and will I still be able to get an audit on the Mac when its booted into bootcamp all the time?


Release Candidate Programs Tester


Unfortunately, I don't believe that there's a way for FileVault 2 and Bitlocker to work on the same hard drive. The reason for that is that Master Boot Record (MBR) only supports four primary partitions. Bitlocker needs a System Drive NTFS partition, in addition to the main Windows 7 NTFS partition. If you're using FileVault 2 on your OS X boot partition, your boot drive already has three.

  1. EFI Partition
  2. Mac OS X 10.7.x Boot Partition
  3. Recovery HD Partition

If you're using a Bootcamp partition, that now takes it to four:

  1. EFI Partition
  2. Mac OS X 10.7.x Boot Partition
  3. Recovery HD Partition
  4. Windows 7 NTFS Boot Partition

Adding Bitlocker would take it to five (which MBR wouldn't recognize):

  1. EFI Partition
  2. Mac OS X 10.7.x Boot Partition
  3. Recovery HD Partition
  4. Windows 7 NTFS Boot Partition
  5. System Drive Partition (NTFS / For BitLocker)

The only workaround I know of would be to have either Windows or OS X installed on a second hard drive. In that case, you should have would have four or less partitions in play on the drive that has Windows installed and Bitlocker should work fine.

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Contributor III

I attempted this with Casper 8.52 and a Win 7 64bit image. The partition and data copied over alright at imaging time, however the windows volume was not bootable. I've opted to deploying Boot Camp vie Self Service (winclone image wrapped in a dmg + run after script).

If anyone's had success deploying win7x64 from Casper imaging, I'd love to know aswell.

Valued Contributor II

Haven't had any issues deploying both Windows XP and 7 images with Casper Imaging. Been doing it for several years. We aren't doing anything special. Create a partition using Boot Camp assistant or Disk Util and then deploy the image to that partition.

I run recon.exe with a startup script using Group Policy. You can run it directly on startup or do as I do and create a Scheduled Task to run it. This way it continues to run once a day even if the computer doesn't get rebooted.

New Contributor

Have you found any decent instructions to do all this? I'm pretty much starting from scratch. Also does anyone know if bitlocker (disk encryption for PC) works onto of FileVault.

Release Candidate Programs Tester


Unfortunately, I don't believe that there's a way for FileVault 2 and Bitlocker to work on the same hard drive. The reason for that is that Master Boot Record (MBR) only supports four primary partitions. Bitlocker needs a System Drive NTFS partition, in addition to the main Windows 7 NTFS partition. If you're using FileVault 2 on your OS X boot partition, your boot drive already has three.

  1. EFI Partition
  2. Mac OS X 10.7.x Boot Partition
  3. Recovery HD Partition

If you're using a Bootcamp partition, that now takes it to four:

  1. EFI Partition
  2. Mac OS X 10.7.x Boot Partition
  3. Recovery HD Partition
  4. Windows 7 NTFS Boot Partition

Adding Bitlocker would take it to five (which MBR wouldn't recognize):

  1. EFI Partition
  2. Mac OS X 10.7.x Boot Partition
  3. Recovery HD Partition
  4. Windows 7 NTFS Boot Partition
  5. System Drive Partition (NTFS / For BitLocker)

The only workaround I know of would be to have either Windows or OS X installed on a second hard drive. In that case, you should have would have four or less partitions in play on the drive that has Windows installed and Bitlocker should work fine.