Cannot get box drive extension loaded

New Contributor III

So we are trying to deploy box drive to our users. I have packaged box in composer and gotten it successfully to install to the machines. However, I cannot get the extension approvals working. I have profiles to approve both the box KEXT and the associated bundle ID. The profiles show that they have been deployed to the machines. However, when I run kextstat | grep -v the bundle ID does not show up. When I run spctl kext-consent list the KEXT does not show up. When attempting to run box, it says that it must be approved in security and privacy. I have restarted, reinstalled and am losing my mind. Why are these profiles not preapproving the KEXT and bundle ID's?


New Contributor III

Of course as soon as I post this I get a result. I was deploying a pkg that I packaged using comoser from my installed version of box on my machine. That however seems to cause this error. When I download and deploy the package straight from box, it seems to work fine.

New Contributor II

Could you provide some more details on the workflow?
Do you already distribute that configuration to M1 Macs?
Thank you, Bjoern