CS3 Install Error

Not applicable

Has anyone seen this error while using the new Adobe CS3 installers with

Error: Adobe Installation Error: Unable to complete the silent workflow
(Exit Code 7).

This error has happened on both Illustrator and InDesign from a CS3 Design
Professional Disk image. I am currently trying to install it on a Mirror
Door G4 running 10.4.8.

I have tried installing it a few different ways... Locally on the box using
Casper remote as well as on a different box using Casper remote while the
workstation is sitting at the login window.

Any ideas?

Jesse Almanrode
'Sr. Systems Specialist'
MIS Technical Services
Cabela's Inc.
jhalmanr at cabelas.com


Not applicable

Yes I have, it's when parts of CS3 exist prior to installation. Usually
caused by Acrobat 8 as it isn't installed using the cs3 installer

Not applicable

I've seen this too. I had to remove all traces of the existing Adobe apps in order to intall the complete CS3 suite including Acrobat.


New Contributor

Anyone else get this:

/usr/sbin/jamf is version 6.01
Executing Policy Adobe Creative Suite (3)...
Mounting afp://myserver.cc.org/casper_files to /Volumes/casper_files...
Getting package info from https://myserver.ccc.org:8443/...
Installing Adobe products from Adobe CS3 Design Premium.dmg...
Adobe Installation Error from Adobe CS3 Design Premium.dmg: Unable to complete the silent workflow (Exit Code 7).

Open to suggestions....


Not applicable

Do you have any Acrobat CS3 components already installed that were not
installed by the adobe installation? Does you base image contain a adobe
folder in the application support folder in the Library folder?

New Contributor

In our CS3 Suite, InDesign was already installed.
I've indexed the install, and created a policy to uninstall, but i get this when it tries to run (via self-service or policy)

/usr/sbin/jamf is version 6.01
Executing Policy Uninstall Adobe InDesign CS3...
Error: The package (Adobe InDesign CS3.dmg) could not be found.


Do you have any Acrobat CS3 components already installed that were not
installed by the adobe installation? Does you base image contain a adobe
folder in the application support folder in the Library folder?