CS4 updates - any "gotchas"?

Valued Contributor II

So, I've got a functional CS4 install script/package from the JumpStart, but now I need to worry about deploying the updates (since the users are non-admin AND the corporate firewall precludes Adobe Updater from doing its thing). How are others handling this - just using Composer? Any "gotcha's" with any of the updates I should be prepared for in advance? I've managed to download all of the .dmg's for the updates...



Contributor III

The only thing I haven't sorted out yet is if any of them require you to have a logged in session to make some of them work. But right now, the JSS won't recognize the CS4 updaters as they are. You need to basically create a traditional package of updates to overlay later.

At least that's how I've done it right now...time isn't on my side for CS4 deployments quite yet.

Craig E