Posted on 06-15-2010 04:51 AM
Hello all, I'm sure this was discussed already but I have not seen the
I just downloaded the CS5 from Adobe LWS site in one DMG and it all
works fine, I noticed that Acrobat Pro isn't included in this package,
are you creating a custom package from your CS4 suite that just installs
Acrobat Pro and then come behind it with CS5?
I also noticed there were 3 patches for CS5 and none of them are
recognized as an Adobe Installer.
Patrick Bachuwa
Client Technical Services
Sears Holdings Corporation
Michigan Campus
3000 W. 14 Mile Road
Royal Oak, MI 48073-1717
Phone: 248 637-0350
Posted on 06-15-2010 05:37 AM
Adobe Acrobat comes with CS5 Design Premium but it's a totally separate
installer and serial number. You should be able to download the
installer just for Acrobat.
- JD
Posted on 06-15-2010 05:45 AM
We also noticed that Acrobat is not included, although you can go to their website and the CS product matrix shows that it's part of the bundle... just one more of Adobe's oddities.
I also experimented with their new enterprise deployment strategy and it has bombed left and right... so we may go back to standard Composer packages..
Nick Caro Senior Desktop Support Administrator
Posted on 06-15-2010 05:50 AM
I found that but you can't upload into Casper, it doesn't recognize it
as an Adobe installer.
Patrick Bachuwa
Client Technical Services
Sears Holdings Corporation
Michigan Campus
3000 W. 14 Mile Road
Royal Oak, MI 48073-1717
Phone: 248 637-0350
Posted on 06-15-2010 05:52 AM
it has bombed left and right... so we may go back to standard Composer
Macenterprise list is on fire with people cursing the Adobe deployment
tool. Is it still in "preview" release? I just packaged up CS5 using
before and after snapshots and it deploys fine. Full disclosure, I
didn't have to package Acrobat that came with CS5. The regular suite of
apps worked just fine though.
- JD
Posted on 06-15-2010 05:52 AM
You all are getting me so pumped to spend another few weeks of my life on CS5 this summer! Can’t wait!! But I will have to wait until Adobe sorts out actually getting us our electronic downloads...
Sounds like the same old song and dance!
Craig E
Posted on 06-15-2010 05:56 AM
we were under NDA until May 28, 2010... so at this point the gates are open.
the promise and theory of the enterprise deployment tool were amazing. The creation of the packages is a simple 3-5 click "next" process... but the dang packages just don't work..
we also discovered that the installs include Growl and there seems to be no way to avoid it..
just a total heartbreak.
Nick Caro Senior Desktop Support Administrator
Posted on 06-15-2010 05:58 AM
hmmm i used the CS5 deployment kits for Adobe Flash Builder 4 and it
worked a treat without issues
Criss Myers
Senior Customer Support Analyst (Mac Services)
iPhone Developer
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Development Team
Adelphi Building AB28
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
Ex 5054
01772 895054
Posted on 06-15-2010 07:23 AM
I'm using Composer 7.21 to package up CS5 Design Premium with Acrobat 9.3. Installed both from disk images made from the media sent from Adobe. I'm using the new and modified snapshot in Composer, then cleaning out any 'cruff'. Planning another test deployment today (fingers crossed) but so far, so good.
Ted August
Salve Regina University
Posted on 06-15-2010 09:32 AM
Anyone here installing CS5 premium to be used, primarily, for use on a network home? If so, are you making any modifications for the core suite or is it good to go right out of the box?
I am asking because I too just downloaded my media and plan to casper it up starting today. I wondered if there were any gotchas if I use the default install with just a Composer snapshot for network home directories?
Thanks guys,
Tim Winningham
Systems Manager
The Ohio State University
Posted on 06-15-2010 10:10 AM
I use network homes and cs4 with not real problems, smb or AFP network homes?
Sent from my iPad
Posted on 06-15-2010 10:17 AM
Adobe seems to have heard loud and clear that enterprise customers want
On 6/15/10 7:56 AM, "Nick Caro" <Nick.Caro at> wrote:
.pkg installers for Mac and .msi installers for Windows. What they didn't
really grok was "why".
Their methodology was to put a simple wrapper around their existing
installers but they didn't seem to understand that the *behavior* of their
installers was also a huge issue.
I don't have high hopes for Acrobat 10.0, which is suppose to be released
as a .pkg installer for Mac OS X. While that will be nice, we need all the
"first run" self-healing behavior removed or at minimum controlable along
with the updater tools.
This whole Growl thing... don't get me started.
William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492
Posted on 06-15-2010 10:50 AM
AFP homes in an AD-OD setup (not sure if that matters or not).
Tim Winningham
Systems Manager
The Ohio State University
Posted on 06-15-2010 11:31 AM
Well AFP is better than smb so think my issue are to do with the homes bring on windows servers and cifs and file permissions etc
Sent from my iPad
Posted on 06-15-2010 03:37 PM
Yes, because it won't install correctly if no user is logged in. Adobe recognizes this as a bug and won't release an "official" version until this is fixed.
On Jun 15, 2010, at 7:52 AM, James Palmer wrote:
Three simple things we wanted:
1) .pkg files... guess we needed to be more specific about NATIVE .pkg files
2) ability to install whether users were logged in or not
3) be able to install to a volume you're not started up from, i.e. netboot and lay down images and packages (i.e. InstaDMG, DeployStudio, Casper Imaging). Adobe didn't get there.
Lots and lots of issues with their .pkg files (you need LOTS of free space on the client, word of warning).
Hey, we got 1 out of 3, we should be happy right?
Posted on 06-16-2010 01:45 AM
Ah well ive only deployed Adobe Flash Builder 4 (packaged with the cs5
deployment kit) via self service
Criss Myers
Senior Customer Support Analyst (Mac Services)
iPhone Developer
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Development Team
Adelphi Building AB28
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
Ex 5054
01772 895054
Posted on 06-24-2010 07:39 AM
So I have finally reached my limit trying to get Dreamweaver CS5 working with AFP network homes and I was wondering if anyone has successfully gotten it to work and package? It seems to be only Dreamweaver in the Design Premium CS5 suite I am having trouble with, and again, it is only with network homes. Basically, it starts to launch, but then doesn't and I only see Dreamweaver (thats it) across the menu bar. Adobe gave me one set of possible fixes which didn't work, and then they blamed JAMF. As a side note, even if I just install this without JAMF, it still fails so I don't want to blame JAMF so quickly.
Any ideas on what it takes to get Dreamweaver CS5 to package and work correctly for users with AFP mounted homes on 10.6.4 (server and desktop)?
Tim Winningham
Systems Manager
The Ohio State University
Posted on 06-24-2010 07:56 AM
Lance, They accounts are purely networked home directories as opposed to say, portable or mobile home directories. The problems machines, using exclusively networked homes, are sharing AFP only served up from a 10.6.4 xServe.
Tim Winningham
Systems Manager
Math Dept MW-430
Posted on 06-24-2010 08:12 AM
These are existing home directories, in most cases, but if you happen to know what is being written where, I can create local shares on each machine using Composer, and then place a symbolic link in everyone's network home in ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/(where ever from here). This worked for us on the Adobe Acrobat Pro front and I am hoping someone knows the secrets here I can apply within Composer to save the day.
But your, right Lance, Adobe doesn't really dig network homes though they sure will sell you a few thousand copies to those that only use network homes. ;)
Tim Winningham
Systems Manager
The Ohio State University
Posted on 06-24-2010 08:22 AM
I'd jump over to the<> mailing list and search the archives for Adobe and network homes. If you're not subscribed to the list, go ahead and post the issue.
They are quite a few that are using network homes that may be of additional assitance.
I know there's constant chatter about that over there.
If you're really daring, you could fire up terminal and run fs_usage as root to examine everything that is going on during the launch of Dreamweaver to possibly narrow things down.
A long time ago with CS/CS2 I ran into an issue with InDesign/Illustrator always crashing when students went to print.
We were using NFS mounted homes for our network accounts. Using fs_usage we discovered that both apps were looking for the existence of the ~/Library/Printers directory in the user's home. This was created by default from the user template, but since we had NFS homes it wasn't being created. As soon as we put the directory in place, both apps would print just fine.
Moral of the story is that Adobe "assumes" even today that you're using local home directories.