Deploying Xcode in a XIP within a PKG

Valued Contributor

Right now we're having some network issues, such that people getting Xcode via the App store isn't possible. I grabbed the XIP from the developer downloads of Xcode 12, and it's 11 GB compressed in the XIP file and 28 GB uncompressed. Obviously it makes sense to try to deliver the file compressed as a XIP and then uncompress it.

The issue I'm running into is in Composer when I try to create the PKG file, it comes out as 4 KB. I created a DMG as part of my troubleshooting and that worked fine and my DMG is 11 GB. My problem with that is that some groups have restrictions where they can't open DMG files and so it won't mount for me to run my script to extract it.

I tried making a PKG in Composer on 2 different Macs and both times it showed a quick "Creating Bill if Materials... (30% Completed)" message and then it finishes without actually making the PKG. I had my script as a postinstall and tried removing that and it went down to 3 KB. Any ideas?


Valued Contributor

You could try putting the XIP into a .tar.gz archive and sending that across, then have the script uncompress it back to the XIP. And continue from there. I regularly use tar.gz arhives in pkg's from composer no problem.
The 11Gb might be an issue in its self. The cloud distribution point allows a max of about 5Gb for one file apart from Apple OSX installers.