Device Based VPP Question

New Contributor III

I'm thinking this will be a simple answer, but does Device Based VPP support multiple VPP tokens to the same device. For example, if I push out App1 and App2 from VPPAccount1, will the device install App3 if I push it out from VPPAccount2? Right now I am having issues with it and I need to know if it's even supported.

I currently have around 20 apps deployed that are linked to a VPP account for that building. However, I am trying to deploy iMovie which is purchased under our main VPP account and it doesn't even seem to be trying to install on those devices. I've tried to refresh licensing and turn on the automatic update of the app but it never shows as trying to install on these iPads in the device records.



Hi @nnewport

It appears to be possible since there is a dropdown to determine which token is used in the App record. Are you having it install automatically or just be available in Self Service? Maybe the management commands history on a device will provide some insight as to why it isn't being installed.

Good luck!

New Contributor III

I should just go home lol. @brad

You were right. I had set it up as Self Service only back when I originally made the deployment for this single app. That wasn't the only issue I've had to fix with this but that was the last one. Thank you.