Difference between Software Update payload and Files + Processes "softwareupdate" execute command?

New Contributor III

Trying to understand the difference between the two methods. When I deploy the Software Update payload, it seems to work fine, installing any generic software update from apple. How is using "Files and Processes" and then execute command "softwareupdate --install --all" different? Will this install ANY update, regardless of developer or Apple ID for each app, for example? Thanks!


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@jan.rosenfeld they are basically the same. The only difference, as far as I understand it, is that the Software Update payload allows you to choose between the machine's default SWU server, which might be your own internal one, and Apple's server.

Of course, you can reset to Apple's using softwareupdate --clear-catalog before running softwareupdate -ia using Files & Processes.

New Contributor III

@stevewood thank you! That’s very helpful