enable secure keyboard

Valued Contributor II

I'm trying to do the CIS hardening recommendations for 10.12 and one of the ones I'm working on is enabling secure keyboard. I found @franton 's git page with a lot of the work done already, however when I try to run the script for the keyboard it ends up changing the permissions and then the settings don't apply.


Valued Contributor III

Hopefully fixed. A lot of the code was a direct copy from the CIS document, so if it's wrong on my git then it's wrong in their file too.

Anyway missing .plist now added. Let me know how you go.

Valued Contributor II

looks like that wasn't it, still changing the file permissions from myself as R&W and everyone to no access to System R&W and everyone no access.

When I launch terminal it looks like it wipes the plist and creates a new one, presumably because it can't read it.