English forum or not?

New Contributor II

Lately I've seen a lot of discussions here written in other languages than english. What's the deal with this? I have nothing against people not having english as their native language (I'm being one of them myself), but it kind of makes those discussions completely useless for everyone else.


Valued Contributor III

Unless JAMF has other language forums (I am not aware of any but maybe they exist), I am not sure where else they are supposed to do it?
Perhaps the forum needs language flags or something so you can hide ones you can't read.

New Contributor III

On the other hand, when you have something to say about a Country-specific thing and the people who contribute are located in the same country, I do not see a reason to discuss things in English.
Speaking for myself, my discussion skills are far better in Dutch than in English...

New Contributor III

Language flags would be great. We do business here in German and English, and being able to hide something that might not be particularly helpful due to me not understanding them would be great.

With that, I don't think having separate forums is a good idea, then you will find yourself looking on these multiple forums (if you are multilingual) to try and find the information you need, when it could be as easy as just filtering languages out.


New Contributor II

I like the idea with language flags. Another would be to have sub levels for other languages than english.

New Contributor III

I put in a feature request for this. You can find it here:


Great call out @marcusbjerknes !