Feature Request -- Nest Static Groups in Smart Groups

Contributor II

Now on JAMFNation... I think I've seen this request before, but I did a search and couldn't find anything. Give your votes and ideas please -- this would be handy.. especially because I found a bug in Smart Groups...

There are also some compelling organizational possibilities here for complex environments.

So... the bug is:

If creating a policy based upon departmental membership within a Smart Group, workstations that are not members of any department (ie, a null value) will be considered as applied to any policy created by the same Smart Group. Therefore, the policy is applied even though a workstation was a null value and not a member of the Smart Group search criteria.

I found this out when I was informed that I was accidentally sending the wrong policy banner for faculty/staff users, when my policy was only directed to the labs. About every other day I get a call on this... very much a PITA.

I have been told this is now registered with the JAMF bug tracking system, but will more than likely not make it into 8.4, probably looking toward Casper 9 on this one. In the meantime, I need to switch my world over to using Static Groups.


Michael Crispin
Duke University