Feature Request - Tracking Decommissioned Machines

Not applicable

More and more Casper is also becoming a tool to track all of our computer assets. Eventually a computer gets too old for us to use or is deemed not repairable. In our old inventory system (Which we are still running simultaneously as well.) we can change the classification of these machines to "decommissioned". For accounting, historical and work order purposes we track those machines for a time even after they are sent off to recycling. It would be great if Casper had some sort of classification for this so that you could leave it in inventory but not take up a license (managed or unmanaged.) I'm not sure how practical this would be, but it would be handy for us. These decommissioned assets would not need much information on them. Just asset number, make and model and serial number. Maybe some date information. Just bare bones basics. I'm not sure if this is something anyone else would use or not but it would be very handy for us.


Not applicable

That's exactly what we would like to see. And either no license fee (or a very discounted)
one for those machines labeled as stolen, parted out, or decommissioned.

Not applicable

Hello all,

Just to clarify the point, unmanaged Macs will not count as a licensed seat. If you edit the record for a decommissioned Mac, and remove the Management Username and Management Password (and uncheck Ensure this computer is managed), it will be considered unmanaged, and not show up in a search for managed computers.

You can also create a building, department etc called Decommissioned (or something to that effect) and assign it to those machines to easily find them or create a Smart Group in the JSS.



Joshua Holland
Sr. Systems Engineer
JAMF Software
1011 Washington Ave S. #350
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Office (612) 605-6625
Fax (612) 332-9054

Not applicable

Would the software inventory from those assets show up in audits? Or are
they segmented off?



Julius Wilpon
Director, Technology Support
Pearson | Architecture, Engineering & Support
1 Lake Street
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
201-236-7817 office
201-574-6930 cell
Julius.wilpon at pearson.com
P Pearson is Green. Please consider the environment before printing this

Contributor III

I was under the impression that although the system still shows up as unmanaged, it still counts against your seats. Your Total Computers on the Admin tab -> Activation Code tab. Is there some separation between managing systems and what you license and what you inventory (recon?)

Craig E

Honored Contributor

One thing we do for stolen equipment is add the word _STOLEN at the end of the computer name in the JSS database. Then we create a smart group based on the name. That is how we track it, you could maybe do something similar.

Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at kckps.org
blackberry: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351

Not applicable

But then isn't that stolen machine still taking up a managed or unmanaged license ? This is another example of a thing we would do as well.
We are a large school district and over the years these stolen or decommissioned machines can add up. Taking up managed or unmanaged
licenses in Casper. Perhaps Jamf can still charge us for these licenses, but at a lower rate.

Honored Contributor

I may need to read the fine print of the EULA with Casper or perhaps contact their legal department but if the client machine is not in use how can it be taking up a license? If you decommission a machine and toss it in storage, its not in use at all so how can it feasibly be using a license? I don't know the ins and outs of how exactly the license works but I would contact Jamf and ask them, and then let us know so we all know.



Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at kckps.org
blackberry: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351

Not applicable

I think a solution could be to change "Ensure this computer is managed" from a check box to a drop down with managed and unmanaged as options as well as to add "Stolen", "Parted Out" (We salvage broken off warranty computers to repair other computers), Decommissioned or any other possible options.