Help With Software Update Server

Contributor II

I have setup an internal Software Update Server. It is a Mac mini running OS 10.9 Mavericks. I have created a policy to run Software Update in Self Service and it works perfectly, as long as the client is running Mavericks as well. Snow Leopard and Mountain Lion clients fail.

I found this Apple kb article:

"Multiple versions of OS X clients can all use the same URL to connect to an OS X Server running the Software Update Service"

You can use a configuration profile (such as those created by Profile Manager) to point clients to a Software Update Server. When adding a Software Update payload to the profile, specify a URL such as:
...substituting your Software Update Server's fully qualified host name for .

Great. Exactly what I need to do.

However, the JSS only allows me to enter the address of the server (my internal SUS) and the port. I do not have the ability to add the /index.sucatalog to the end of the url.

Is there any way to get this to work using the tool provided in the JSS? Or am I going to have to script something?



We don't check the option to set the server system wide in the JSS and then we run a script during post imaging install with this to set it:

/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL http://ourserverdnsname:8088/index.sucatalog

Not applicable

You might want to check out replacing's SWU service with the new Caching Service. I switched on my 10.8 Server and it's a lot simpler to manage, although TBH in this instance it's a fairly small installation.

Valued Contributor II

I have not tried the caching service for a long time, but I don't use the app store for anything, I gave the cache 1TB of space and it ran out of space in the first couple of days. I didn't look into it at all but that seemed a bit aggressive and needless so I turned it off. Not to mention you have to run on Apple's non-server hardware...


also if you have more than one public IP address the caching server will not work correctly.
My understanding with using the JSS to set the softwareupdate server is that it automatically appends the index.sucatalog.

Contributor II

I turned caching on. That looks like a great tool, especially with essentially no configuration!

However, I still want to get my internal SUS working. I have my policy successfully changing the file to point to my internal SUS. The internal address is
I have verified that my clients are getting this address set correctly.
When I run Software Update (either through the menu or via policy) on Mavericks Macs, it works fine. When it runs on 10.8 Macs, it fails with the error:
Result of Software Update: Error: Could not connect to the server. Software Update Tool Copyright 2002-2010 Apple

Can ANYONE give me an idea what I need to do to get non- 10.9 Macs to successfully run software updates using my internal SUS that is running on Mavericks?

New Contributor

Any update on this Kevin? I am experiencing the same issue with 10.9 clients trying to connect to my internal SUS.

I have verified CatalogURL is being set correctly on the client. I've tried using a policy, managed preference, and set the server URL manually via command to no avail. I do have the "Set system wide" for the SUS set in JSS. Haven't found a recommended best practice for setting the SUS documented anywhere.

Still seeing the "Can't connect to the Software Update Server" (x.x.x.x) <--- Correct SUS IP address