how to make a package for rEFI

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Hi Folks,

I have a dual boot machine working from Casper. But I will like to install rEFI also for a triple boot.
Did anybody manage to make a package of rEFI?


Carmelo Lopez Portilla

ITS EMBL Heidelberg
Tel. +49 (0) 6221 387 8444
Fax +49 (0) 6221 387 8517
email: lopez at


Contributor III

I haven't made one for a triple boot, but I assume it's the same as dual. Just made a traditional package of it. Made sure my conf file was correct in the package.

I have two versions, one that boots to legacy and one that has legacy boot disabled. All other settings are the same in each conf. Typically our lab is set to boot to Windows by default because of the nature of training in there, but I'm doing maintenance and updates I like to push out a pack to keep them on the Mac side for a while by default.

Keep in mind that unless manually force the bless of refit you'll need to reboot at least once for it to be bless with the startup item.

Will more than likely switch to bootpicker over the summer.

Craig E