imaging error - NilObjectException

New Contributor
New Contributor

On several recent occasions, when imaging computers, I get this error

"An exception of class NilObjectException was not handled.
The application must shut down."

I have not discovered any pattern to this yet. Most recently, it's come up
when reimaging some 2007 Intel iMacs. Most will image w/o any problems but
a few did error out.

Any idea what this message means, why it happens and what I can do to
avoid in the future?

I did come across a thread on this topic from last July but it doesn't
seem like a definitive answer was given.

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Johnson
Technology Coordinator
Glendale-River Hills School District
Glendale, WI 53209
jeff.johnson at



This happens at the very end of imaging, does it not? What version of the software are you using?

Not applicable

I've seen this as well, just lately. It appears to happen while creating the First Run Scripts. I'm not exactly sure if those scripts run or not in the end, but the image appears to be installed correctly.


Honored Contributor

If I recall correctly, when I saw that problem it was because the password/username for the share it was trying to mount to image the machine was wrong, or it was pointing to a wrong unreachable path.

I would check your shares, and check your auto run data.

?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Honored Contributor

It happened at the beginning of imaging when it happened to me.

Contributor III

What version of Casper Imaging?

Craig Ernst
UW-Eau Claire
(715) 836-3639

Sent from my iPhone


I get same message when using Casper admin to build compiled configs and sometimes using composer, it's a fatal error on the ciders side, I looked it up before online and it's caused by bad code executing

Not applicable

Funny - I've got a sticky note on my desk right now with the same message
written down. I've gotten it while running Casper Imaging 7.1 on a
netinstall image built with version 3.01b.

Right now I'm using Casper Imaging 7.1 on an old netinstall image created
with 2.0 and not having any problems.


Contributor II

I fixed the issue by checking "Diskless" on the netboot server.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Holy thread resurrection batman!

New Contributor III

Are you still having issues with this?

New Contributor

Funny you should ask. I am trolling the interwebs because we are getting this intermittently. I just set up 10 13" Macbook Airs that came on the truck today and all 10 netbooted fine but when I began the imaging process on all 10 I had 2 fall out with this message. It comes up promptly when imaging is started when the first run enroll scripts run. It's a real pita because we have 1195 to image in 3 days with 8 stations.