Install High Sierra via Internet Recovery onto an SSD Drive - but without APFS - due to Future Use of Faronics DeepFreeze

Contributor II

Dear JAMFnation Team Members,

how can I install an MBP with Apple-native SSD Drive, but without getting APFS applied, while being connected via Internet Recovery?

Is there a Terminal Syntax I can run?

Or what other Installation Methods are there, that prevent the SSID to be converted to APFS,
during the Install over the Internet or from a Diskmaker x7 USB Stick?

Thanks in advance



Valued Contributor II

Could the snapshot capability of tmutil be used on an APFS volume to deliver the one core feature as Deep Freeze -- system state rollback? In other words, is there a way to restore the system to a previous snapshot state with a script that runs on the next reboot or startup?