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11:26 AM
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Hi everyone,
We have a couple apps that are on our Self Service that are VPP applications. I am trying to simplify our Deployment process and wanted to see if anyone knows if there is a way to install an App in Self Service via a script.
I am creating a policy in which it calls the custom triggers I need and runs a couple scripts. But with the remaining apps that are VPP apps I wanted to send a command to install them automatically so we don't need to install them individually. One of the apps for example is Slack.
Trying to get us to 1 Touch Deployment, then wittle away to try and accomplish zero-touch!
Posted on 06-24-2019 11:33 AM
VPP apps scopted to computers and installed automatically are only being installed after an RECON, as far i know there is not currently an other way to trigger those apps.
You can do something like this?
if [ -d /Applications/"${appTitle}".app ]
if [ -d /Applications/"${appTitle}".app/Contents/_MASReceipt/ ]
result="${appTitle} is already installed through VPP/Appstore"
result="${appTitle} is not installed through VPP/Appstore, going to do a recon to trigger an install."
/usr/local/bin/jamf recon
result="Cannot find ${appTitle}.app overall, going to do a recon to trigger an VPP Install."
/usr/local/bin/jamf recon
echo "<result>$result</result>"
Posted on 06-24-2019 03:12 PM
Thanks @txhaflaire I'll give this a try.
I also just thought of an idea if that doesn't work. I could write a script to touch a file, and use an EA to check if that file exists. Then create a smart group for if that EA is populated.
Posted on 06-24-2019 08:52 PM
You can use Spotlight for this, to return all the installed apps that are from the App Store. You would have to code a lot of logic around calling the manual trigger if they weren't present on the filesystem.
mdfind -onlyin /Applications/ -name "kMDItemAppStoreHasReceipt = 1 && kMDItemKind = Application"
Those are the only 2 App store apps on my Mac currenlty.
Posted on 09-10-2019 08:45 PM
not sure about you guys.. have you tried
Computers > Mac Apps Store Apps > The VPP App > Install Automatically option.
I have this setup with our Office 365.. My issue is that we cant control when this gets installed. I wish JAMF could fix this.
In other words. it would auto push on its own schedule..
While typing this.. i just thought we can create Smart Group and scope it to machines who dont have office 365.. hmmm or just finished enrollment process....