Is there a way to automatically reconnect to a specific SSID if it's available?

New Contributor

Students often use a hotspot on campus to get around our firewall and filtering.  I'm trying to find an effective way to reconnect them to our school ssid if it's detected.  I created a smart group to detect if they're off campus based on their ip address (this works) and then set up a configuration profile with a network payload that connect to our school ssid and scoped it to the off campus smart group (this works intermittently).  Has anyone come up with an effective solution for doing this?


Valued Contributor

Smart groups, auto-join & config profiles should get you there.. Although it's never a one size fits all depending on your infrastructure / security and the options we have to work with in those payloads.

If you want to go a step further, I've dug up an oldy but a goody post which I used once as a guide while trying similar things.

If anything, it's good to see other ideas and tailor your own for each site, good luck!

New Contributor III

This may not be the answer you were looking for, but we use a content filter that includes a global proxy, so then it doesn't matter where they take the device or what they connect to - its always filtered. Especially good for institutionally owned devices. Now, BYOD, thats a different issue.