JAMF SYNC problems

New Contributor

Hello everyone.

In the new JAMF SYNC I have a significant amount of packages that appear with a blank circle and do not perform the download to synchronize.

According to the JAMF SYNC documentation, this status means: The package is in Jamf Pro's package list, but does not exist on the source.

But it doesn't explain how to fix it :(. I am doing the synchronization from JCDS to Local.




Esteemed Contributor

Jamf Sync is only a few weeks old, most of us won't have much experience with it yet. Even though Jamf Sync is not formally supported by Jamf I would suggest still opening a ticket. It's absurd that Jamf retired a supported application (Jamf Admin) and replaced it with an unsupported application with no way to perform the function that Jamf Admin had in a supported method. 


You may also want to take this ask to the Mac Admins Slack, the Jamf Nation slack channel tends to be more active than the discussions for niche things.

Contributor III

I second the observation of the absurdity of retiring an app that was an essential component of our workflow, and offering an app, that I just learned here in this forum is unsupported? That is very disappointed. I have unsuccessfully attempted to sync my packages in Jamf Cloud with a local distribution point and so far it has been unsuccessful.  I started at around 9:00 AM and as of 3:30 PM it is only halfway through. Unsure of what to do next. This is very slow compared to Jamf Admin.

New Contributor III

Just came across this thread and would like to share observations:

Since being forced to switch from a pretty much flawless Jamf Admin app to Jamf Sync, we had all kinds of problems:


With the early versions of Jamf Sync, we observed all kinds of major problems, for instance deletion of packages on the cloud repository, which then results in policies without assigned packages. For complex setups this is a disaster as there is no alert and no tracking with policy is missing a package.

Checksumms being randomly created and forgotten, or being re-calculated, totally useless feater

Even with the latest version of Jamf Sync, it still keeps on synchonising packages which are already existing on both source and target, here an on-prem Mac Mini as source and the JSS cloud as target. And these aren't small packages where it behaves like that, the Office for macOS full installer for instance.


In summary: if this does not get fixed we'll consider switching the mdm-vendor as this is an essential feature we need to rely one. But you can clearly see he philosophy of Jamf here: a good product being phased out because either internal knowledge how to maintain it has left or effort being considered as too high and instead then outsourcing and essential workflow into an open-source license with no proper support.