Java installing

Contributor II

So for some reason when I try to use composer to create a pkg for Java 8-144 it doesn't work as in once uploaded and made available in self service Java does not get installed.

How do others install Java? I tried all three types of snapshots but have been unsuccessful at the moment.

Java like flash is the bane of my existence.


Valued Contributor

You could look into tools like Autopkg, but for Java specifically, there is a "real" package inside the app bundle from Oracle. You can just deploy that package without needing to use Composer at all.

Contributor II

Thanks I will open up the package and do some testing to verify it works on my end. Thank for the tip.

New Contributor III

When you mount the DMG. Right-Click to "Show Package Contents" on the Then, copy out the JavaAppletPlugin.pkg. You can simply upload this package via casper admin and JAMF will be able to deploy it. Thats how I currently deploy Java.

New Contributor III

Thanks @jskidmore for the tip - I am trying now.

@anickless , AutoPKG is a GODSEND!! I use it for everything I can. Sometimes it takes a day or so for the newest version to show up - but most of the time it is current. It makes Flash Updates and deployments effortless....

For Java this time around, I can only get 8.151 from AutoPKG, but 8.152 is most current. Not sure why the recipe in AutoPKG is not current.

Valued Contributor

@acaveny I assume that the autopkg recipe you have is downloading the CPU release from Oracle, and not the PSU (which is only needed in certain situations). The most-current CPU is 8u151, and the most-current PSU is 8u152.