Mac OS update Process with User Notification

New Contributor

Hello All!

Our Management Team is wanting to align our Mac Update process with our Windows Update process.  For Windows we use Intune Update rings to check for updates on the devices once a month, download the updates and then give the user's 3 days to install them before forcing a restart.  The users get prompted daily to either Restart Now, Schedule a Time, or Remind Me later.  I understand that we may not be able to do the exact same process using Jamf on a Mac but what would be the closest option to that?  We have intel and Apple silicon macs.  I am in charge of Jamf but I am not a Jamf or a Mac expert.  I'm a Windows/Intune/SCCM admin who was instructed to take over the Mac support as well so I'm having a tough time figuring this out.


Valued Contributor II

Take a look at this.  Also in the newest release there is a new feature, but its still "beta" in production.  

Contributor II

Many of us use Nudge - a tool which strongly encourages users to install updates - in order to apply macOS updates in a timely manner. We typically see above 95% compliance by the required date and then use a Mass Action Command to forcefully apply update on outstanding devices.

Esteemed Contributor

Apple and JAMF really do not have a way to emulate your Windows behavior. OS Updates are issued by MDM command, and users can get a notification when the command has been received. That notification can be set to allow deferrals. From JAMF the MDM commands to tell macs to update must be issued manually, even after 2-3 years of these MDM commands JAMF still refuses to automate or let us schedule this process.


For user involvement many of us use tools like Nudge, Superman and so on, I prefer to just use JAMF Helper. Managing macOS updates is an area that Apple is severely lacking. 

New Contributor II

Is anyone using a mix? I would like to get macOS notifications for a week of it's release, and if ignored go to nudge.