Microsoft 365 asks for Activation when crossing time zones



I have had quite a few of our employees who travel inform me that Office 365 for Mac will start opening files in read only mode when they travel across time zones. The only way I have been able to resolve is to have them sign out and sign back into 365 from one of the MS Office applications.

Is everyone having this same issue? Our business travelers are annoyed by this behavior.

Let me know what you think.


New Contributor III

I have seen this. Usually my users ability to re-authenticate is also broken until they return in office. ADFS should be accessible both internally and externally but MS is not making it easy.


It is frustrating. I called 365 support and they said they have never heard of anything like that happening. After having it happening to about 10 people in my office... I cant imaging they have never heard of it before.

Honored Contributor

It is very possible they haven't heard about it because sometimes organizations don't report issues that seem trivial. It's when it starts impacting a large group of users that it becomes a problem worth reporting. Did they say they were going to look into the case at least? Or did they close the case?


Sorry for the late reply, my notification settings we off for some reason. Microsoft called me back twice and it was painfully clear, the techs were low level. I explained it was our remote users and they kept asking to remote to my computer???

I gave up for now... I'll revisit once I have more time available.