Posted on 11-10-2017 01:14 PM
i'm seeing if there's a way that i can have one Mac create a list of ok'd Apple updates then have that list end up on all of our Macs, in the form of a text file or something that can be read from,
would it be possible to modify elements of an existing script on the JSS or populate $4 to $11 script parameters within a policy from a standalone Mac, has anyone had experience with anything similar ?
Posted on 11-13-2017 03:44 AM
Hi there,
If you run this script on a machine (to through a Casper/Jamf Pro policy) you can modify a particular string a script's contents if you know the script ID, you could modify the parameter numbers to allow it to work from the JSS or run it as is:
#sets parameters for JSS User, password and URL
#takes the JSS Script ID number for the script you wish to modify
#takes the text you with to replace
#Has text you wish to replace the above var's text with
#creates temporary file
touch /tmp/scriptfile1
#Puts script contents into a temporary file
curl -sS -u $jssuser:$jsspass $jssurl/JSSResource/scripts/id/$scriptid | xpath //script//script_contents | sed 's/<script_contents>//g' | sed 's/</script_contents>//g' > /tmp/scriptfile1
#Carries out replacement operation
sed -i -e "s/$replaceThis/$withThis/g" /tmp/scriptfile1
#Loads new script into variable
scriptData=$(cat /tmp/scriptfile1)
#pushes new script contents to JSS
curl -X PUT -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-type: application/xml" -k -u 'jssuser:jsspass' -d "<script><script_contents>$scriptData</script_contents></script>" $jssurl/JSSResource/scripts/id/$scriptid
#removes temporary file
rm /tmp/scriptfile1
exit 0
Hope that helps!
Posted on 11-21-2017 06:12 AM
Thanks for your help Christian !,
this looks like it can do what i need, once i get a chance to tinker with it i'll post the outcome,