Posted on 10-19-2012 01:30 PM
I am having a .pkg file (macagent.pkg) along with .xml file (macmobile.xml) both files comes with in a folder when i request for the setup from the xyz internet site. Both the files inside the folder are interrelated. and when i try to install .pkg file second .xml should on the same location for successfull installation I need to copy this folder to all the Mac Machines for installation.
I wants to do mass deployment for a group of Mac Client Machines using ARD.
But i can not add .xml file in the ARD.
I tried creating a package using both .xml amd .pkg file with the help of package maker and package is been created but when i am installing it .pkg file created by package maker is not able to call .xml file. (I don't know how .pkg file reads the xml file path while installation)
Kindly guide me how i can include this .xml file to the package so both the .pkg and .xml file should on the same location for successful installation
I can use Composer also for creating the pkg.
Posted on 10-19-2012 01:45 PM
I'm not understanding what you're attempting to do. Are you saying you need an xml file to drop into a certain folder upon installation? Or are you trying to get the installer to read the xml file for instructions, like an options file? Its not clear.
Posted on 10-19-2012 02:14 PM
Sorry for inconvenience, understanding the text.
I have a folder with one .xml file and .pkg file when i install this .pkg file, while installation of .pkg installer call to the .xml file for registering the installer to the internet site.
.XML file is a separate file comes with in the folder having .pkg file.
when i run installer (.pkg) it looks for the .XML file. if the .XML file is on the same location i mean on the folder from where i am running the .pkg it reads the .xml and register the product to the portal. if not on the same location from i am running the installer .pkg it doesn't get the .XML file to read and do not register the product to the portal.
So both .pkg and .xml should be on the same location.
Now if i wants to do amass deployment i need to be have both the .pkg and .xml file should have on the same location as i am using ARD which only can add .pkg file.
So i thought of creating a package using package maker to include this .xml file to the some of the location in the .pkg so while insatllation it can read the xml file.
I created the package but its not reading the xml file.
So i need to know how i can include this xml file to the installer so it can read it when i will install it.
Kindly let me know if its understandable.
Sonu W