Posted on 06-10-2015 07:59 AM
So I have people using Opera now and they receive an error when connecting to my server using a self signed cert regarding a weak diffie-helman key. So I decided to bite the bullet and setup a new HTTPS cert using my companies internal CA, but found much to my dismay that we've lost the password to the current keystore.
Is there a doc on how to generate a new keystore for Tomcat? This is a Windows 2008R2 server, JSS 9.72.
Hope someone can help
Posted on 06-10-2015 08:58 AM
its likely changeit you could just move the current keystore, and create a new one as well. might want to look at this article
Posted on 06-10-2015 09:46 AM
The changeit doesn't work and I went through the directions in that article without error but Tomcat complains its an invalid keystore format. Kind of at my wits end with Caspers HTTPS setup.