NetSUS reporting (deprecated) updates frequently

Legendary Contributor III

Hey all, I'm hoping someone here has some ideas or can help.
I have the JAMF NetSUS appliance running here and I'm using it in the "gateway" mode where it only hosts the catalog file. Generally speaking its working fine, but I'm running into an odd problem I can't figure out.
Essentially, almost every day, sometimes several times a day, I notice if I look at the updates listing on any of the branches I've created, it will show a large number of the updates with the (deprecated) label at the end. I don't mean just a few, I mean literally dozens, sometimes more than 50 of them. And, from what i can see, these are all updates that are still perfectly valid, not actually deprecated from Apple. Stuff like 10.7.4 and Safari 5.1.7 as a few examples.
If I go back to the Admin section and click on Sync SUS, once the sync is done (usually only a minute) all the updates show normally with no deprecated label.
Later the same day if I go back to the appliance I'll notice once again a high number of updates showing as deprecated. I can repeat the above procedure, but later again they will start showing up as deprecated.

So, is this normal behavior, and if so, why? Also, I haven't yet determined if this will affect the ability of the clients to pull the updates down, but I'm concerned it will. We're still in a testing phase, so nothing has rolled out yet with this. I just want to make sure the update process will work and not get broken by this mislabeling of the updates. I'll be testing that part out shortly, but thought I'd throw that out there to see if anyone else is seeing this behavior.

Any advice or insight greatly appreciated!


Legendary Contributor III

Don't mean to dig this back up, but I found out what's causing the various updates to show up as "deprecated" on my Net/SUS. Its the Sync Schedule. No matter what I set that to, if its enabled, after the auto sync, a bunch of updates show up labeled erroneously as deprecated. the manual sync method doesn't do this. If I turn off the auto sync, the issue stops.

Has anyone else seen this happen? I'm running the Net/SUS appliance in a VirtualBox environment on another Mac server (running 10.7.3)
The good news is that this seems to only be a visual bug and not something that actually affects the updates, at least in my case. Even updates that show up as deprecated still pop up in Software Update on a client pointed to it, provided the update is not in fact deprecated. I'm guessing this is just a bug in the Net/SUS appliance, and probably not in Reposado.

New Contributor

I'm seeing a similar issue, but the updates marked Deprecated are NOT showing up on my test client. My client shows two completely different sets of packages between Apple's SUS and the NetSUS appliance (every update is selected in my branch).

It's not explicitly related to auto sync. If I do a manual sync (auto sync off) and let it sit for a bit, I will eventually see a bunch of packages marked deprecated, and those won't show up on my client.

Valued Contributor

"I'm seeing a similar issue, but the updates marked Deprecated are NOT showing up on my test client."

I'm assuming you mean deprecated updates that you've added to some branch.

"My client shows two completely different sets of packages between Apple's SUS and the NetSUS appliance (every update is selected in my branch)."

Are you pointing your clients to the correct OS-specific sucatalog? If, for example, you are pointing a Snow Leopard client to index_release.sucatalog, that would be the "release" branch" of the Tiger catalog, and of course the client would be missing many updates.