OS X.5.6 versions

Not applicable

I need a little direction in regards to to which version of Apple OX.5.6 is useable to which machines. I had thought one given version of OSX.5.6 would work across the board for the entire product line (macbooks, macbook pros, mac pros, etc..)

I recently tried to image a Mac Book Pro that was purchased within the past 2 weeks, and found out that the image I had( built last fall) would not reboot the laptop correctly. I had to re-install the OS from install DVD to get the laptop to boot to the startup drive. Once everything was updated and installed, I created a new image from that laptop, in hopes that it would allow me to image new Macs. I tested this new image on an intel iMac purchased last fall, and it imaged fine, and works correctly. The image I created was a 10.5.6, Build 9G2133. It is the latest I have seen.....

With the new image, I tried to use Casper Imaging on a brand new-out of the box iMac purchased last week. I tried to image the iMac with is Build 9G2133 (from the Mac Book Pro). This version will not image the iMac correctly, or allow it to reboot to the internal hard drive.

I guess I'll need to create another new image from the iMac and update the the install image again, unless someone has a better suggestion for me to try.......




New Contributor

This is why we purchase machines in cycles after we can get a retail copy which contains drivers for all necessary models (they actually update their retail copies once in awhile!).

We really had to re-engineer our purchasing cycles, but now we have a single 10.5 image for every in-house mac.



Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 10:56:30 -0500
To: "casper at list.jamfsoftware.com" <casper at list.jamfsoftware.com>
Subject: [Casper] OS X.5.6 versions

New hardware, especially laptops, that ships with the latest Mac OS will
often need its own image until the next incremental release of the Mac OS is

If you can wait 'til Mac OS X 10.5.7 is released then you should be able to
create one image from that for all your current machines.



William M. Smith, Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications, LLC
(651) 632-1492

Honored Contributor

Release Candidate Programs Tester

See thread: 10.5.6 Laptop Airport Issues - Build numbers

John Wetter
Technology Support Administrator
Educational Technology, Media & Information Services
Hopkins Public Schools

Contributor III

I've built an image from one of the newer aluminum 15" MacBook Pros with the DVD that came with it and thus far haven't seen issues on other systems, but we haven't been imaging much during the course of the year either. I know someone mentioned they "thought" they were seeing issues with Power Management when using an image built from a new MacBook/Pro, but hadn't heard anything since and haven't seen it myself. True the little system preference icon and panel for energy saver was different.

Craig E