Posted on 01-15-2020 09:22 AM
I have read all the issues and questions about this, but still have a question about this whole Policy deferral option. I am a JAMF part timer, meaning I was volunteered for getting Jamf running in my company so still learning, but seemed to have adopted day to day as well. I just want to have a 24 hour deferral. So basically I push the policy out and the user has 24 hours to run the update. We have sites all in different time zones. Is the policy deferral time refer to the Macs local time when applying this? I tested this on my Mac, with a deferral to midnight that evening. It was 5PM EST so I should have 7 hours of deferral yet the most I was given was 3 hours? I don't understand how this works? And from what I am reading, the deferral doesn't seem to work properly. This seems pretty simple, but I can't find any documentation that explains some details.
Does the start time refer to the Macs time zone or the time on my cloud instance.
I assume after 24 hours, if the Mac was shut down, on next check in, the policy will just run, without any more deferral options?
Appreciate any feedback. TY
I just want the user to have the option to run the policy within the 24 hour time period, starting from when it was pushed out. Then to run after 24 hours. However with the different time zones, I could have sites getting the policy in the middle of the night.