Policy User interaction start message and delay timer not showing

New Contributor

I have a policy I am testing to remove old software from a users computer. The user interaction has a message in Start Message, deferral is checked with a two week limit. When I applied it, my 10.12 system shows it. 10.13 and 10.14 do not. The policy is set to reoccurring at check in and I have tried Execution Frequency both once per computer, and ongoing. Seem to be missing something here. All system clocks are synced to the same time server and showing the same time.



I had something similar happen to me today. I have a policy configured to run at Check-in with a deferral option set. My users on 10.14 didn't get the deferral message, the policy just ran. (which included a forced reboot)

I narrowed down the problem to my Start Message. I had the word "it's" in there. Once I took out the apostrophe, then the deferral message worked.

We are running JSS 10.10.1 and macOS 10.14.5.

Valued Contributor III

I think there is a known issue...