Python 3.10.0 - extension attribute error when adding Definition

New Contributor II


I'm fairly new to Jamf Pro and there is still A LOT to learn, but I seem to be getting an error that I cannot resolve when adding the .pkg definition for Python version 3.10.0:

"You do not have permission to save a patch with an unacknowledged extension attribute"

However, I'm unable to change any extension attribute from the "Extension Attributes" tab as it seems they have resolved here.

This problem is directly keeping us from deploying the software policy and therefore updates via Jamf Pro are on hold. 

Please see attached screen snips in regards to this problem.

FYI, the .pkg installer does come with two .apps; "IDLE" and "Python Launcher" which i'm not used to seeing before (not saying much); So maybe it has something to do with this (?).

Maybe i'm just overlooking something simple, but I just cannot see it at this point in time.

Thank you,

Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 10.50.40 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-11-30 at 10.35.31 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-11-30 at 10.35.40 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-11-30 at 10.35.47 AM.png


Legendary Contributor III

@M_Rivero Have you clicked the Edit button when in the Python 3 Patch title definition and then clicked on the Extension Attribute tab? There should be a button when you do that that says "Accept" like shown below.


Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 1.27.23 PM.png

The "Accept" button won't show up when just viewing the patch title. You have to be in Edit mode to see it. If you're able to see that, click Accept and then acknowledge the prompt that appears by placing a check in the box, then finally click Save back on the edit screen. The Extension Attribute error should disappear.

Good luck, and post back if you still don't see that.

View solution in original post


Contributor III

Does the user account you are using in Jamf Pro have create privileges for extension attributes. Based off that error, it appears to be permissions related

New Contributor II

Thank you @ljcacioppo, this comment was what spawned the investigation. @mm2270 had the screenshot as well which ultimately showed the difference: I don't have create privileges for extension attributes. Thank you both!

New Contributor II

@ljcacioppo, that's a good question - thank you. I'll check to make sure I have sufficient permissions; If not, It may have to be looked over by someone in my organization that does.

Legendary Contributor III

@M_Rivero Have you clicked the Edit button when in the Python 3 Patch title definition and then clicked on the Extension Attribute tab? There should be a button when you do that that says "Accept" like shown below.


Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 1.27.23 PM.png

The "Accept" button won't show up when just viewing the patch title. You have to be in Edit mode to see it. If you're able to see that, click Accept and then acknowledge the prompt that appears by placing a check in the box, then finally click Save back on the edit screen. The Extension Attribute error should disappear.

Good luck, and post back if you still don't see that.

New Contributor II

thank you @mm2270 , I think it's permissions. I don't see the "Accept" button anywhere - Waiting for confirmation from my managers.