Quickadd Failing

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Hi all,

I am seeing an issue with my quickadd.pkg failing to run a "post- flight script" on some machines. It is not adding the machine to my JSS and I have repaired permissions and run it again with the same result.

Any ideas?

Ron Prue
Technical Services
Noah Corporation
ron.prue at mynoahs.com


Valued Contributor

If I recall correctly, the QuickAdd.pkg must be built while logged in as a
local admin. I believe that if you create a QuickAdd.pkg while logged in
with a network account, the pkg will be created but it won't work.

I may not be remembering this 100% correctly, so you might want to give JAMF
support a quick call to be sure.

Miles A. Leacy IV

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voice: 1-347-277-7321
miles.leacy at themacadmin.com

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Is your QuickAdd.pkg making it's way across a Windows share on it's way to your client? Or are you copying it using scp?

I've seen some inconsistent issues with either of these methods where some of the special data on the file will get stripped and cause the postflight script to no longer be flagged as executable. I would suggest zipping (right click > "Compress") or tarring (tar cpvf QuickAdd.pkg) the file before you transfer to be sure.

Also, on the client it is failing on, you can check that the postflight script is executable by entering the following into a terminal:

ls -l /path/to/QuickAdd.pkg/Content/Resources/

and look for the 'x' in the left hand colomn.

-rwxrwxrwx 1 rharter UWSPDOMdomain users 97 Nov 18 17:34 postflight

Hope it helps.

Ryan Harter
UW - Stevens Point
Workstation Developer
Ryan.Harter at uwsp.edu

Not applicable


The package was created with an admin account originally.


The permissions are indeed not correct. No allowance for an execute command on any of the contents. Not sure how this ever happened as I have used this accross 26 machines in the past 2 months with no problem until now. However we did do a server rebuild recently which may have reset the permission on the file.

From your example it looks as if it should be rwx for users, group and other. Any reason I can't just use the 'chmod' command and correct this?

Ron Prue
Technical Services
Noah Corporation
ron.prue at mynoahs.com

Not applicable

chmod should work just fine. I run a script to install a different pkg that is stored on a windows machine on some clients and have it run chmod +x on the scripts just incase.

Ryan Harter
UW - Stevens Point
Workstation Developer
Ryan.Harter at uwsp.edu

Honored Contributor

Are you having it create an managed account or modifying an existing account? If the account doesn't exist you will need to create it.

--missing content--

other. Any reason I can't just use the 'chmod' command and correct this?

Ron Prue

Technical Services

Noah Corporation


ron.prue at mynoahs.com

<Noahs Logo.png>

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Permissions problem. Chmod worked great. Thanks all.

Ron Prue
Technical Services
Noah Corporation
ron.prue at mynoahs.com