Recon Only Extension Attributes

Not applicable

Hi all:

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to occasionally run recon for
Extension Attributes only. Basically, I'd like to collect extension
attributes often (via a once daily policy, say), but collect all of the rest
of the info more rarely (like a weekend policy).

I've tried sudo jamf recon ­skipApps ­skipFonts ­skipPlugins but not
getting the desired result, the items are not actually skipped. It looks
like the general recon settings on the JSS are overriding the above command.
Any help would be appreciated.



Release Candidate Programs Tester

The -skip verbs worked upto version 5/6 then it stopped working.

It was a bug that allowed it too work, but i've a feature request to reinstate the options!!



Honored Contributor

Extension Attributes will be stored in the JSS database. There may be
a resource kit script and/or web plug in you can use to run searches for
extended attributes. I don't think anything is stored on the machine
locally, unless I am wrong?

thanks, Tom