remove question mark from Dock.

New Contributor II

Hi Everyone,

I have upgraded version of application. i want to remove old version from all user's also from Dock and install new version. package name is Yammer. and that is not pkg file. this is .app. old package location is ~/Application folder. i want to place new package to /Application for all user's. using below preinstall script for remove application. it is removing app for all users but yammer icon still in Dock showing. once i click on that showing question mark. tell me where i'm doing wrong.


killall 'Yammer'
dockutil --remove 'Yammer'
killall Dock

for i in /Users/*
do if [ -f $i/Applications/ ] then rm -rf $i/Applications/ fi


exit 0


Valued Contributor

You'd have to run the dockutil command in a loop to for all user's home folders to remove Yammer from each person's dock, or use the --allhomes option. This will only remove Yammer from all docks, not replace it with the new path. If you wanted to replace it with the new path you might need to loop another dockutil command after installation to add Yammer back like so:

# You'd do this for each user.
dockutil --add /Users/USERNAME/Applications/

I could go into more detail but you might be able to write the script with what I've provided.

Valued Contributor

@sidharth.bhalla On second thought, I figure I'd help more. Here you go.



userList=$(find /Users -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | grep -v Shared)

killall 'Yammer'

for userHome in $userList; do
    if [[ -e "$userHome/Applications/" ]]; then
        echo " found in $userHome/Applications; deleting."
        /bin/rm -Rf "$userHome/Applications/"
        echo "No installed in $userHome; skipping."
    dockutil --remove 'Yammer' --no-restart "$userHome" 2> /dev/null 

killall Dock

exit 0