Posted on 11-15-2012 02:20 PM
I am trying to search local user accounts, specifically UID's in the range of 502-505. Is there a way or script I could use to do this?
Posted on 11-15-2012 02:53 PM
What exactly do you mean. Searching via a script run from a policy or Casper Remote? Or do you mean running an inventory report in the JSS?
Anyway, looking up local account UIDs is pretty easy if you meant from a script.
If you really only want the UIDs between 502 and 505, try this-
dscl . list /Users UniqueID | awk '$2 >= 502 && $2 <= 505 {print $1}'
That would include UID 502 and 505. Not sure if you meant greater than and less than or including those. If you meant the former, just remove the 2 = symbols in the above.
If instead you want all local accounts from UID 501 and up, use:
dscl . list /Users UniqueID | awk '$2 > 500 {print $1}'
Posted on 11-16-2012 06:51 AM
Trying to find users that dont have a manage account. Local users that have managed accounts have a long UID and those that just have a local account are in the 502-505 range. 501 UID is the local admin that we put on with every image.
Posted on 11-16-2012 07:10 AM
I see. So then you're using a directory service for your regular user accounts. The long UID numbers you describe are typical of either OD and AD based accounts. I don't recall where OD account UIDs start. I believe AD starts at 1000 and up. You may be better off with a command that will look through everything up to the start of your directory based accounts and excluding 501. But you can do it however you want.
Posted on 11-16-2012 07:46 AM
here is a perl subroutine that checks for local users, and reports true, you could edit the else section and delete the accounts or whatever else if you so desire.
sub checkForLocalUsers {
my $rc = 'false';
my $user_dir = '/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users';
my $dscl_cmd = 'dscl . -read Users/';
my @userlist;
opendir E, $user_dir or die "Users Directory $!
@userlist = readdir(E);
closedir E;
foreach my $u (@userlist) {
next if $u =~ /^_/;
next if $u =~ /^./;
(my $uname = $u) =~ s/.plist$//;
my $newcmd = $dscl_cmd . $uname . " UniqueID";
my $uid = (split /:/, `$newcmd`)[1];
if ($uid < 501) {
else {
$rc = 'true';
return $rc;