Unable to handle file upload - iPad Wallpaper Image Upload Error

New Contributor


As I have done previously, I am simply trying to upload a wallpaper image to use. However, I keep getting the following error:




Any thoughts on the issue? It is a .png file that is 5.47 KB (I am just using it to test, and it still fails). Thanks!


New Contributor

Check the File Format and Size: Make sure the image you're trying to upload is in a supported format, such as JPEG or PNG. iPad wallpaper images should normally have a resolution that corresponds to the dimensions of your iPad's screen (e.g., 2048x1536 pixels for various models). If the image size is too huge, it may fail to upload.

Connect to a Stable Internet Connection: Upload errors can arise as a result of an unstable or slow internet connection. To avoid pauses during the upload process, make sure you're connected to a dependable Wi-Fi network.

Clear Browser Cache: If you are uploading the image using a web browser, clear your browser's cache and cookies. Caching issues can sometimes interfere with file uploads.


Provident Ecopolitan