Posted on 03-04-2013 02:44 PM
FYI - Oracle Java 1.7 Update 17, and Apple Java Update 2013-002 are out. These Java and Flash Player updates are starting to get ridiculous...
Posted on 03-04-2013 03:29 PM
This is driving me crazy. I had just finished all my updates today when not 2 minutes later -002 was released. Death to Java and Flash!
Posted on 03-04-2013 03:31 PM
Yep, seriously considering disabling Xprotect plist to take some command of the situation. Obviously will need to develop an update strategy that will protect machines but give me back my sanity.
Posted on 03-04-2013 09:49 PM
Agreed. Getting completely absurd now. I'm beginning to feel like an animal in some experiment gone wrong. "Let's see how many updates we can release in rapid succession before some IT admin somewhere goes postal or ends up in the loony bin!"
Posted on 03-05-2013 06:45 AM
I can't take it anymore. Goodbye, cruel world.
Posted on 03-05-2013 08:39 AM
Sighs...I hope JPDyson is okay as I do worry seriously when something is that bad for people.
I am with you guys on this one...honestly keeping Java updated on 10.6 machines is an absolute pain in the can! Nothing like users grouching at me every other morning saying something along the lines of "why did you take my grade book down?" or "why can't I go here?" It's as if I must keep a daily vigil of what Java and Flash updates are available.
To Adobe and Oracle: write code that doesn't have quite so many security holes.
To Pearson (the makers of our gradebook system): develop a gradebook that isn't Java-based
To Apple: be more transparent to system admins when you are imminently going to kill something through XProtect
I know none of those folks are reading this, but it is what keeps going through my mind. I'm going to post a feature request for Casper to come up with some tools that can handle rapid updates of Flash and java. It's not their problem really, but I would love to see a mechanism that checks for these two specifically on the clients, checks the appropriate spots at Adobe, Oracle and Apple (for 10.6 users) and offers a sysadmin a tool that can just get them applied or schedule it, etc... I'm honestly so very tired of dealing with these updates and the fallout from our users.
Posted on 03-05-2013 08:49 AM
For those who want to manage XProtect's ability to block your Java browser plug-in, I've got a script that keeps the currently-installed version(s) of Java from being blocked by XProtect:
Blog post here:
Posted on 03-05-2013 09:56 AM
I am so glad you weighed in here...I'm probably going to have to go the route of using your scripts but it's sad that we should have to. I wish Apple or Jamf or someone had a good tool to keep admins on top of these frequent updates and get them applied to work with the XProtect instead of working to modify XProtect, but modifying XProtect is sadly the route we as sysadmins must go. I'm honestly tired of getting bi*ed out by our users with "Why did I disable their grade book when XXXXXX is due?" No amount of explaining seems to due for them. That is the conclusion they draw. Anyway, thank you for your script and I'll be looking into it more.